"We are proud to be leaders in our field in the provision of modern scientifically proven podiatric treatments to our patients"
The Doreen Foot and Ankle Clinic manages and treats a large variety of foot, ankle and leg conditions, some more common than others.
Skin and nail care
The treatment of difficult nails, hard skin and corns is one of the most common reasons for people to visit a podiatrist. The severity of these conditions can vary from person to person. An appointment with your podiatrist can not only treat the symptoms, but also identify the causes and put a management plan to maintain a healthy foot
Diabetic Footcare
Foot care for diabetics is an area of extreme importance. Diabetic patients are at an increased risk of complications that can lead to ulceration, peripheral neuropathy (loss of sensation), diminished sensation and even gangrene and amputation in extreme cases. For this reason it is critical that people with diabetes undergo regular foot assessment and were required, routine management of their feet. Your podiatrist has the equipment and expertise needed to conduct the regular foot check ups and manage your diabetic feet. Following a diabetic foot check a detailed report is sent to your General Practitioner.
Ingrown nails
Ingrown toenails can be caused by trauma, poor nail care or excessive curvature of the nail. They can be extremely painful and at times become infected. Your podiatrist can manage these conditions conservatively, or if severe enough, nail surgery using the phenolisation technique can be conducted under a local anaesthetic to provide a permanent fix for ingrowing nails.
Flat Feet
Flat feet can be a contributing factor in the development of many foot conditions. A foot that "collapses" or "over pronates" can place stress on several joints of the body and be potential causes of injury. Pronation is the word used to describe the movement of the foot when it rolls in (flattens). If this movement is too great it begins to activate and potentially overwork several muscles and ligaments in the lower leg and foot. Pronation has been linked to injuries such as shin splints, heel pain, arch pain, ankle pain, knee pain and Achilles soreness. Your podiatrist will assess any issues related to your flat feet by conducting an biomechanical assessment of your feet and discuss the best treatment for them.
Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Spurs
Plantar fasciitis or heel spurs are common causes of heel pain. Plantar Fasciitis is caused by the inflammation of a major ligament in the foot called the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia helps to maintain the arch of the foot and can become overworked and inflamed by feet that are not functioning correctly. A heel spur is a small protrusion of bone that extends distally from the calcaneous (heel bone) towards your toes. Although asymptomatic in a large portion of the population, occasionally the spur can compress a small nerve in the heel and be painful. Your podiatrist can advise you how best to manage this condition and alleviate your pain through a variety of treatment alternatives.
Children's Feet
Children's feet are different to adults, as they are not yet fully formed. Every child is different and their feet will develop and grow and different rates. During this growth period a number of issues can begin to develop. Problems may include heel pain, flat feet, knee pain bunions and turned in feet (commonly known as pidgeon toed). Your podiatrist has the knowledge and expertise to diagnose, manage and treat your child's growing foot.