What can a Podiatrist at the Doreen Foot and Ankle Clinic do for me and my family?

1What is a Podiatrist?
A podiatrist is a Allied Healthcare specialist who assesses, diagnoses and manages medical conditions of structures affecting the lower limb. Podiatrists complete a 4 year undergraduate Bachelor of podiatry which covers human anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, podiatric surgery and pharmacology. A podiatrist works in close conjunction with many Allied Health Professionals and Medical Doctors to provide holistic healthcare for patients. A podiatrist can help alleviate foot and leg pain, in both a sporting and day to day setting.
2Do I need a referral?
No. You do not need a referral to visit a Podiatrist at the Doreen Foot & Ankle Clinic. Just contact our friendly reception staff via phone or online to book your appointment.
3What is a Corn?
Warts are a common contagious infection of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in the outer layers of the skin. They can spread to other areas of our body, or from person to person. Generally on the feet, warts are very difficult to get rid of as they are excellent at evading the bodies own natural immune system. For treatment information click here.
4What is a Bunion?
A bunion is a biomechanical deformity involving the big toe and its joints. It is a gradual dislocation of the MTPJ joint which sits at the base of the big toes. The cause of this is hereditary however ill fitting footwear is believed to be a contributing factor in the development of bunions. If you are concerned regarding your bunion podiatrists at the Doreen Foot and Ankle Clinic can discuss possible treatment options for your bunion with you. (See Illustration Below)


The Doreen Foot and Ankle Clinic is proud to be associated with multiple third party providers.


The Doreen Foot and Ankle Clinic provides the latest in convenient on the spot claiming via our HICAPS facilities which eliminates the need for timely visits to your health insurers offices or mailing of paperwork.


Podiatrists at the Doreen Foot and Ankle Clinic also provide BULK BILLED medicare funded podiatric treatments where a Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM) has been put in place by the patients General Practitioner. To arrange this all necessary paperwork and documentation is required to be put in place by the General Practitioner and at this stage the podiatrist will be engaged as a participant in this management plan.

A detailed report and foot health assessment will be returned to the patients General Practitioner as part of this team care approach


To receive Podiatry Services under third party funding from Veterans Affairs, Work Cover or the Traffic Accident Commission you must have an appropriate referral completed by your General Practitioner or specialist. Please bring all paperwork associated with your referral to your first podiatry appointment.


(03) 9994 1208